Saturday, June 11, 2011


It’s always a joy to be welcomed by friends when you return from a long absence. That is the welcome I have received over the last few days from priests and students who have begun returning to the seminary. It is another thing to be remembered and welcomed by acquaintances that I encounter less frequently. Those welcomes have also begun. On Wednesday afternoon shortly after arriving, Michael and I went to our favorite coffee shop. The folks behind the counter warmly welcomed me back to Egypt. Each day as we return, familiar faces see us and extend a warm welcome and greeting.

Yesterday when I attended St. Andrew’s, immediately members of the community greeted me and remembered my time with them last summer. After worship we gathered in the Guild Hall for coffee and cookies and those who remembered me came to say their hellos, and those who didn’t know me introduced themselves. Hospitality at it’s finest! Today I dropped some laundry off at the dry cleaners and the beautiful young woman who works behind the desk beamed a huge smile when she saw me and wrote “Ms. Emy” on my slip.

It is good to be remembered!


  1. So glad you once again get to feel that call to place and get welcomed so warmly (literally)!

  2. Sounds like you're having a wonderful time. How nice that you're being so warmly welcomed back. Trying to keep up on your blog and living your visit through you, especially not having to suffer the heat. Assembly's over. Yahoo!!! You were missed. Kathy
